Conan Exiles Wiki


Every structure that has ever fallen to an enemy has been breached somewhere. And the breach point, more often than not, is the door.

Built of structurally reinforced bricks and engraved with an arcane design, this frame, and the associated door will provide a safe haven from the weather and a strong front to any foes who come knocking.


Created from the following Recipes Information
Construction Hammer
Ingredients Outcome Craft time Experience
20 Icon ingredient hardenedBrick Hardened Brick
8 Icon ingredient plank Shaped Wood
6 Icon ingredient steel reinforcement Steel Reinforcement
1 Icon T3 doorframe sorcery battlepass Arcane Reinforced Door Frame (Battle Pass) 0 s 1316

See Also[]


Repairing Arcane Reinforced Door Frame (Battle Pass) requires up to:
