Conan Exiles Wiki
Conan Exiles Wiki


The wild Kushites rushed into the shambles, spearing the wounded, bursting the helmets of the knights with stones and iron hammers.
~ Black Colossus

These weapons are made to the army standards of Aquilonia - reliable and sturdy - while not being overly ornamented. Because thousands of blacksmiths have been drafted into producing weapons for the royal army across the years, these weapons can bear the mark of almost any maker.

Mauls and warhammers are slow to swing and leave their user vulnerable to counterattack, but when they connect they are brutally effective. Armored foes are particularly vulnerable to these massive blunt weapons which break bones, shatter skulls and crush spines.


Created from the following Recipes Information
Improved Blacksmith's Bench, Campaign Blacksmith's Bench, Garrison Blacksmith's Bench
Ingredients Outcome Craft time Experience
1 Icon handle short Weapon Handle
30 Icon starmetal bar Star Metal Bar
1 Icon aquilonian warhammer Aquilonian Warhammer (Epic) 1 min 2406

See Also[]


Repairing Aquilonian Warhammer (Epic) requires up to:


The Aquilonian Warhammer (Epic) can be dismantled using the Icon Crafting Dismantler Dismantling Bench to recover the following materials:

For slightly more materials, you can use the Icon crafting dismantler t2 Improved Dismantling Bench:
