Conan Exiles Wiki


It's too ancient to be holy. Who ever saw metal like it in a sane world?
~ The God in the Bowl

The javelin is one of the most versatile weapons of the Hyborian age. Of course, this javelin is not of the Hyborian Age - it's ancient design is based upon writings from thousands of years ago.

In addition, the javelin is light enough to be thrown with some degree of accuracy. Enemies fleeing a battle are almost always surprised to find three feet of spear jutting from between their shoulder blades.

When equipped, this javelin seems to whisper to its bearer in the long forgotten language of the Giant-Kings. This constant distraction drains the willpower of the user, but those who master it may uncover hidden strengths.


Created from the following Recipes Information
Blacksmith's Bench, Improved Blacksmith's Bench, Campaign Blacksmith's Bench, Garrison Blacksmith's Bench, Aesir Blacksmith's Bench
Ingredients Outcome Craft time Experience
4 Icon ingredient plank Shaped Wood
3 Icon steel bar Steel Bar
1 Icon ancient javelin Ancient Javelin 20 s 178

See Also[]


Repairing Ancient Javelin requires up to:
