Conan Exiles Wiki


Zath's cult represent him as a deity of purity and cleansing. That he will one day arise and cleanse the decadent world of wicked men and their sins.

This altar to Zath is little more than a pale imitation of the great temple in Yezud, where a giant black statue of Zath broods over a room of gold and bronze. It is said that Zath awakens and walks the temple by night - devouring the unworthy and growing strong for the day of his cleansing.


All Religion Altars
Religion T1 (Level 1) T2 (Level 20) T3 (Level 50)
Derketo Icon Altar durketo tier1 Pleasure Place of Derketo
Pleasure Place of Derketo (Knowledge)
Icon Altar durketo tier2 Pleasure Dome of Derketo
Pleasure Dome of Derketo (Knowledge)
Icon Altar durketo tier3 Pleasure Palace of Derketo
Pleasure Palace of Derketo (Knowledge)
Jhebbal Sag Icon altar jhebbal sag tier1 Bower of Jhebbal Sag
Bower of JhebbalSag (Knowledge)
Icon altar jhebbal sag tier2 Retreat of Jhebbal Sag
Retreat of JhebbalSag (Knowledge)
Icon altar jhebbal sag tier3 Grove of Jhebbal Sag
Grove of JhebbalSag (Knowledge)
Mitra Icon t1 altar of mitra Shrine of Mitra
Acolyte of Mitra (Knowledge)
Icon t2 altar of mitra Sanctuary of Mitra
Priest of Mitra (Knowledge)
Icon t3 altar of mitra Temple of Mitra
High Priest of Mitra (Knowledge)
Set Icon t1 alter of set Sepulcher of Set
Acolyte of Set (Knowledge)
Icon t2 alter of set Altar of Set
Priest of Set (Knowledge)
Icon t3 alter of set Sanctum of Set
High Priest of Set (Knowledge)
Ymir Icon t1 altar of ymir Altar of Ymir
Altar to Ymir (Knowledge)
Icon t2 altar of ymir Blooded Altar of Ymir
Blooded Altar to Ymir (Knowledge)
Icon t3 altar of ymir Exalted Altar of Ymir
Exalted Altar to Ymir (Knowledge)
Yog Icon t1 alter of yog Pit of Yog
Acolyte of Yog (Knowledge)
Icon t2 alter of yog Rift of Yog
Priest of Yog (Knowledge)
Icon t3 alter of yog Abyss of Yog
High Priest of Yog (Knowledge)
Zath Icon zath altar T1 Nest of Zath
Nest of Zath (Knowledge)
Icon zath altar T2 Web of Zath
Web of Zath (Knowledge)
Icon zath altar T3 Altar of Zath
Altar of Zath (Knowledge)


Created from the following Recipes Information
Web of Zath
Ingredients Outcome Craft time Experience
400 Icon ingredient hardenedBrick Hardened Brick
75 Icon religion token Manifestation of Zeal
240 Icon ingredient plank Shaped Wood
50 Icon ingredient steel reinforcement Steel Reinforcement
1 Icon zath altar T3 Altar of Zath 10 min 29400


Recipes: Tier 2
Ingredients Information Outcome Craft time Information Experience
1 Icon zath skinning dagger Zathite Ritual Dagger
13 Icon religion token Manifestation of Zeal
1 Icon zath skinning dagger Blessed Zathite Ritual Dagger
5 Icon religion token Manifestation of Zeal
40 s 192
1 Icon jhebbal sag blood Venom-purified blood 1 Icon globeofyezud Globe of Yezud
1 Icon religion token Manifestation of Zeal
2 min 0
1 Icon ice shard Everice of Ymir 20 Icon religion token Manifestation of Zeal 2 min 0
1 Icon eyes of innocence Eye of Set 20 Icon religion token Manifestation of Zeal 2 min 0
1 Icon scrawled note Precepts of Mitra (Variant B) 20 Icon religion token Manifestation of Zeal 2 min 0
1 Icon Skull2 Skull of Yog 20 Icon religion token Manifestation of Zeal 2 min 0
1 Icon knowledge tablet2 Tablet of Derketo 20 Icon religion token Manifestation of Zeal 2 min 0
1 Icon jhebbal sag blood Venom-purified blood 1 Icon religion token Manifestation of Zeal 20 s 0
50 Icon plant fiber-1 Plant Fiber
2 Icon hide-1 Hide
5 Icon religion token Manifestation of Zeal
1 Icon scrawled note Precepts of Zath 10 s 26
5 Icon zath cocoon Zathite Bag
1 Icon jhebbal sag blood Venom-purified blood
50 Icon silk Silk 5 s 1
5 Icon branch Branch
30 Icon iron bar Iron Bar
20 Icon jhebbal sag blood Venom-purified blood
1 Icon zath daggers Zathite Daggers
20 Icon religion token Manifestation of Zeal
30 s 130
5 Icon branch Branch
15 Icon iron bar Iron Bar
1 Icon zath skinning dagger Zathite Ritual Dagger 20 s 70
Recipes: Tier 3
Ingredients Information Outcome Craft time Information Experience
1 Icon flesh of passage Flesh of Remembrance (Variant A) 1 Icon religion token Manifestation of Zeal 2 min 2
1 Icon flesh of passage Flesh of Remembrance (Variant B) 1 Icon religion token Manifestation of Zeal 2 min 2
20 Icon ingredient brick Brick
5 Icon jhebbal sag blood Venom-purified blood
1 Icon zath statue Statue of Zath
1 Icon religion token Manifestation of Zeal
1 min 640
Recipes: Tier 4
Ingredients Information Outcome Craft time Information Experience
1 Icon armorpadding light Light Padding
8 Icon silk Silk
1 Icon zathpriest helm Headband of Zath
1 Icon religion token Manifestation of Zeal
20 s 944
500 Icon religion token Manifestation of Zeal 1 T Religion Zath True Name of Zath 1 h 2000
1 Icon armorpadding light Light Padding
23 Icon silk Silk
1 Icon zathpriest top Zathite Dancer Beads
1 Icon religion token Manifestation of Zeal
20 s 1004
1 Icon armorpadding light Light Padding
8 Icon silk Silk
1 Icon zathpriest gloves Zathite Dancer Gloves
1 Icon religion token Manifestation of Zeal
20 s 944
1 Icon armorpadding light Light Padding
8 Icon silk Silk
1 Icon zathpriest boots Zathite Dancer Shinguards
1 Icon religion token Manifestation of Zeal
20 s 944
1 Icon armorpadding light Light Padding
15 Icon silk Silk
1 Icon zathpriest bottom Zathite Dancer Skirt
1 Icon religion token Manifestation of Zeal
20 s 972
Recipes: Tier 5
Ingredients Information Outcome Craft time Information Experience
30 Icon starmetal bar Star Metal Bar
4 Icon ingredient plank Shaped Wood
50 Icon religion token Manifestation of Zeal
1 Icon zath spear Zathite Spear
5 Icon religion token Manifestation of Zeal
2 min 2760


Repairing Altar of Zath requires up to:
