Conan Exiles Wiki


With the rebirth of sorcery in the Exiled lands, it wasn't long before those in power sought to augment their forces with practitioners of the dark arts. Enter the Disciples of Zar, a cult of mercenary sorcerers purportedly trained by a mysterious demon to shape the elements to their will and harness the power of the arcane.

For sale to the highest bidder, the Disciples stop at nothing to achieve victory. But take warning. Their power comes at a high cost, and their loyalty is always in question. The Disciples are known as adepts in the northern lands, while in the southern lands, they are called arcanists


Created from the following Recipes Information
Hand crafted
Ingredients Outcome Craft time Experience
1 Icon pet Tiger Tiger (Variant A)
1 Icon pet food battlepass Sorcerous Pet Food
1 Icon pet tiger iceandfire fire shop Adept of Zar Tiger (Pet) 3 s 112


Preferred Food Strength Agility Vitality Grit Nutrition
Icon perfect cut of meat Exquisite Meat +7% +7% 1 health/sec
Icon raw stringy meat Feral Flesh +14% 1 health/sec
Icon meat-1 Savoury Flesh +14% 2 health/sec
Icon fatty meat Raw Pork 3 health/sec
Icon raw tough meat Exotic Flesh 4 health/sec
Icon tainted flesh Abysmal Flesh +14% 6 health/sec
Icon pet food Shadespiced Raw Succulent Meat +7% +7% 7 health/sec
Icon salted exotic meat Trail Jerky +7% 8 health/sec
Icon bone broth Bone Broth +7% +3% 9 health/sec
Icon blood-sausage Blood Sausage +3% +7% +3% 10 health/sec

See Also[]



Disciples of Zar

Bazaar Set "Disciples of Zar"
