Conan Exiles Wiki

local util_args = require("Module:ArgsUtil") local util_cache = require("Module:CacheUtil") local util_vars = require("Module:VarsUtil") local cache = require('mw.ext.LuaCache') local PREFIX = 'ITEMLINK_04' local lang = mw.getLanguage('pt-br')

local p = {} local h = {} local cargo = mw.ext.cargo

function p.Main(frame) local args = util_args.mergeKeepEmpty() local text = "" local inpLemma = args[1] local inpText = args[2] or local iconOnly = util_args.castAsBool(args.iconOnly) local key = h.getKey(inpLemma) local result

if util_args.castAsBool(args.force) then result = h.getFromCargoAndUpdateCache(inpLemma, key) else result = h.getFromVariablesOrCache(inpLemma, key) end if not result then return '' .. h.switchString(inpLemma, inpText) .. '' end

local text = '[[File:' .. result['image'] .. '|32px|link=' .. result['_pageName'] .. '|frameless]]'

-- dlc layer wrapper -- if result['dlcPackage'] ~= "" then -- text = '' .. text .. '' -- end -- epic border wrapper -- if util_args.castAsBool(result['epicBorder']) then -- text = '' .. text .. '' -- end

--text = 'x' .. tostring(args[1]).. '/'..tostring(args[2]).. '/'..tostring(iconOnly).. 'x' return text end

function p.updateCache(frame) -- this method returns nothing & just exists to query & update the LuaCache object -- it's called from the infobox so that when the page is saved, the cache will be updated local args = util_args.merge() local str = args[1] if not str then return end local key = h.getKey(str) h.getFromCargoAndUpdateCache(str, key) end

-- the following code extracts the result from either: -- (a) a LuaVariables result stored earlier on the page; or -- (b) a LuaCache object of the lowercase name; or finally -- (c) an actual Cargo query to retrieve the information from the page -- we avoid doing a Cargo query at all costs because Cargo queries are extremely expensive

-- this was not premature optimization; the wiki was actually experiencing errors -- prior to this optimization being added -- this code was adapted from Module:Team on Leaguepedia -- contact River for questions

function h.getKey(str) return PREFIX .. lang:lc(str) end

function h.getFromVariablesOrCache(str, key) return util_vars.getObject(key) or h.getFromCacheOrCargo(str, key) end

function h.getFromCacheOrCargo(str, key) local result = cache.get(key) or h.getFromCargoAndUpdateCache(str, key) util_vars.setObject(key, result) return result end

function h.getFromCargoAndUpdateCache(str, key) local tables = 'Item' local fields = '_pageName,image,epicBorder,dlcPackage' local query = { where = 'uniqueName = "' .. str .. '" ', limit = 1 } local result = cargo.query( tables, fields, query )[1] cache.set(key, result) return result end

-- end luacache wrapper

function h.switchString(str1, str2) if str2 == nil then return str1 end if str2 == then return str1 end return str2 end

return p
