Conan Exiles Wiki

Sua primeira tarefa será se equipar. Você começa o jogo sem nada e precisa criar roupas simples. Passando desse ponto, deve criar Oficinas para aprimorar e fabricar armaduras mais resistentes e preparadas para cada tipo de região e clima que você encontrará.

Algumas armaduras ajudam na proteção contra frio e calor, mas podem diminuir sua proteção. saber onde e qual usar pode significar a diferença entre vida e morte em Hiboria.

  • Armaduras Leves
  • Armaduras Medias
  • Armaduras Pesadas
  • Religiosas
  • Roupas

The different kinds of armor in Conan Exiles.

Armor is equippable and most grant passive Attribute bonuses to your character. The most noticeable use for armor is to protect the character against physical damage. Armors may also reduce temperature effects. Most armor can also be dyed.

List of armor[]


Aquilonian Scout
(T tooltip warmIcon/T tooltip coldIcon Heat and Cold resistance, +5 Agility) (DLC Jewel of the West Pack)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Aquilonian Armors feat

 Armorer(s) needed for Epic Flawless:

  • All named Armorers can craft this
  • As of March, 2020, the basic set (mid grade) provides cold protection; all others (high grade) provide heat protection. This anomaly has been reported to Funcom.


Aquilonian Scout
(T tooltip warmIcon/T tooltip coldIcon Heat and Cold resistance, +2 Strength +3 Accuracy) (DLC Blood and Sand Pack)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Bloodletter Armors feat

 Armorer(s) needed for Epic Flawless:

  • All named Armorers can craft this
  • As of March, 2020, the basic set (mid grade) provides cold protection; all others (high grade) provide heat protection. This anomaly has been reported to Funcom.


Darfari Skin
(T tooltip warmIcon Heat resistance, +5 Strength)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Savage Armors feat

 Armorer(s) needed for Epic Flawless:

  • B’naru Heavyhands
  • Ogrus Iron-eater


Darfari Skin
Khitan Mercenary
(T tooltip coldIcon Cold resistance, +5 Grit) (DLC The Imperial East Pack)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Khitan Armors feat

 Armorer(s) needed for Epic Flawless:

  • All named Armorers can craft this


Khitan Mercenary
Lemurian Royal
(T tooltip coldIcon Cold resistance, +5 Survival)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Lemurian Royal Armor from Palace of the Witch Queen

 Armorer(s) needed for Epic Flawless:

  • Fia


Lemurian Royal
(T tooltip warmIcon Heat resistance, +5 Encumbrance)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Armorer feat

 Armorer(s) needed for Epic Flawless:

  • All named Armorers can craft this


Poitain Footman
(T tooltip warmIcon Heat resistance, +5 Agility) (DLC Riders of Hyboria)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Poitain Armors feat

 Armorer(s) needed for Epic Flawless:

  • All named Armorers can craft this


Poitain Footman
Pictish Wizard
(T tooltip warmIcon Heat resistance, +5 Accuracy) (DLC The Savage Frontier Pack)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Pictish Armors feat

 Armorer(s) needed for Epic Flawless:

  • All named Armorers can craft this


Pictish Wizard
Relic Hunter
(T tooltip warmIcon Heat resistance, +2 Encumbrance +3 Survival)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Relic Hunter Armor from Southlake

 Armorer(s) needed for Epic Flawless:

  • Arcen Brokenfingers
  • Ghamm the Worn
  • Hanar of Bossonia
  • Tarris Leatherbinder
  • Zoara of the Marshes


Relic Hunter
(T tooltip warmIcon Heat resistance, +5 Accuracy)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Raider Armors feat

 Armorer(s) needed for Epic Flawless:

  • Arcen Brokenfingers
  • Ternis Burnbritches


Steppes Helmet
(T tooltip warmIcon Heat resistance, +1 Agility) (DLC Riddle of Steel)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Riddle of Steel Helmets

 Armorer(s) needed for Epic Flawless:

  • All named Armorers can craft this


Steppes Helmet
Turanian Scout
(T tooltip coldIcon Cold resistance, +5 Survival) (DLC Treasures of Turan Pack)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Turan Armors feat

 Armorer(s) needed for Epic Flawless:

  • All named Armorers can craft this


Turanian Scout
Vanir Settler
(T tooltip coldIcon Cold resistance, +5 Grit)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Nordheimer Armors feat

 Armorer(s) needed for Epic Flawless:

  • Njoror Battleborn
  • Chieftain Aslaug


Vanir Settler
Yamatai Footsoldier
(T tooltip warmIcon Heat resistance, +5 Agility) (DLC Seekers of the Dawn Pack)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Yamatai Armors feat

 Armorer(s) needed for Epic Flawless:

  • All named Armorers can craft this


Yamatai Footsoldier
Zamorian Thief
(T tooltip coldIcon Cold resistance, +5 Agility)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

 Armorer(s) needed for Epic Flawless:

  • Enis Ironwrought
  • Ghamm the Worn
  • Irniz of the Furnace


Zamorian Thief
Zingaran Freebooter
(T tooltip coldIcon Cold resistance, +5 Vitality)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Zingaran Freebooter Epic feat

 Armorer(s) needed for Epic Flawless:

  • Tarris Leatherbinder
  • Silas the weathered


Zingaran Freebooter


(T tooltip warmIcon Heat resistance, +5 Agility)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

 Armorer(s) needed for Epic Flawless:

  • Hanar of Bossonia


Aquilonian Infantry
(T tooltip warmIcon Heat resistance, +5 Vitality) (DLC Jewel of the West Pack)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Aquilonian Armors feat

 Armorer(s) needed for Epic Flawless:

  • All named Armorers can craft this


Aquilonian Infantry
Bear Shaman
(T tooltip warmIcon Heat resistance, +3 Strength +2 Vitality) (DLC Blood and Sand Pack)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Bloodletter Armors feat

 Armorer(s) needed for Epic Flawless:

  • All named Armorers can craft this


Bear Shaman
Cimmerian Fur
(T tooltip coldIcon Cold resistance, +5 Vitality)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Cimmerian Clan Epic feat

 Armorer(s) needed for Epic Flawless:

  • Werk of the Lost Tribe
  • Zavek


Cimmerian Fur
Hyena Fur
(T tooltip coldIcon Cold resistance, +5 Survival)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Hyena-Fur Armor from Scoundrel's Gateway

 Armorer(s) needed for Epic Flawless:

  • Barks-At-Moon
  • Llarn Steeltoe


Hyena Fur
Kambujan Shaman
(T tooltip coldIcon Cold resistance, +5 Strength)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Savage Armors feat

 Armorer(s) needed for Epic Flawless:

  • Llarn Steeltoe
  • Oisun the Smith
  • Shendelzare


Kambujan Shaman
Khitan Captain
(T tooltip coldIcon Cold resistance, +5 Strength) (DLC The Imperial East Pack)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Khitan Armors feat

 Armorer(s) needed for Epic Flawless:

  • All named Armorers can craft this


Khitan Captain
Kings Guard Helmet
(T tooltip warmIcon Heat resistance, +1 Encumbrance) (DLC Riddle of Steel)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Riddle of Steel Helmets

 Armorer(s) needed for Epic Flawless:

  • All named Armorers can craft this


Kings Guard Helmet
Lemurian Warrior
(T tooltip coldIcon Cold resistance, +3 Accuracy +2 Strength)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Lemurian Warrior Armor from Palace of the Witch Queen

 Armorer(s) needed for Epic Flawless:

  • Fia


Lemurian Warrior
(T tooltip warmIcon Heat resistance, +5 Encumbrance)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Armorer feat

 Armorer(s) needed for Epic Flawless:

  • All named Armorers can craft this


Pictish Brave
(T tooltip warmIcon Heat resistance, +5 Survival) (DLC The Savage Frontier Pack)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Pictish Armors feat

 Armorer(s) needed for Epic Flawless:

  • All named Armorers can craft this


Pictish Brave
Poitain Campaign
(T tooltip warmIcon Heat resistance, +5 Encumbrance) (DLC Riders of Hyboria)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Poitain Armors feat

 Armorer(s) needed for Epic Flawless:

  • All named Armorers can craft this


Poitain Campaign
Ravager Helmet
(T tooltip coldIcon Cold resistance, +1 Strength) (DLC Riddle of Steel)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Riddle of Steel Helmets

 Armorer(s) needed for Epic Flawless:

  • All named Armorers can craft this


Ravager Helmet
(T tooltip coldIcon Cold resistance, +3 Grit +2 Vitality)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Herpetology from The Dregs

 Armorer(s) needed for Epic Flawless:

  • Siesse Blacktongue


Stygian Raider
(T tooltip warmIcon Heat resistance, +5 Accuracy)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Raider Armors feat

 Armorer(s) needed for Epic Flawless:

  • Zoara of the Marshes


Stygian Raider
Turanian Mercenary
(T tooltip coldIcon Cold resistance, +5 Strength) (DLC Treasures of Turan Pack)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Turan Armors feat

 Armorer(s) needed for Epic Flawless:

  • All named Armorers can craft this


Turanian Mercenary
Vanir Fur
(T tooltip coldIcon Cold resistance, +5 Grit)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Nordheimer Armors feat

 Armorer(s) needed for Epic Flawless:

  • Njoror Battleborn
  • Chieftain Aslaug


Vanir Fur
Yamatai Demon
(T tooltip warmIcon Heat resistance, +5 Encumbrance) (DLC Seekers of the Dawn Pack)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Yamatai Armors feat

 Armorer(s) needed for Epic Flawless:

  • All named Armorers can craft this


Yamatai Demon


(T tooltip warmIcon Heat resistance, +3 Vitality +2 Grit) (DLC Blood and Sand Pack)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Bloodletter Armors feat

 Armorer(s) needed for Epic Flawless:

  • All named Armorers can craft this


Black Dragon
(T tooltip warmIcon Heat resistance, +5 Grit) (DLC Jewel of the West Pack)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Aquilonian Armors feat

 Armorer(s) needed for Epic Flawless:

  • All named Armorers can craft this


Black Dragon
Cimmerian Steel
(T tooltip coldIcon Cold resistance, +5 Vitality)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Cimmerian Warrior Epic feat

 Armorer(s) needed for Epic Flawless:

  • Werk of the Lost Tribe
  • Zavek


Cimmerian Steel
Dark Templar
(T tooltip warmIcon Heat resistance, +5 Agility) (DLC Debaucheries of Derketo)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Dark Templar Armor

 Armorer(s) needed for Epic Flawless:

  • All named Armorers can craft this


Dark Templar
(T tooltip coldIcon Cold resistance, +5 Strength) (DLC Debaucheries of Derketo)

(T tooltip warmIcon Heat resistance, +5 Encumbrance)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Armorer feat

 Armorer(s) needed for Epic Flawless:

  • All named Armorers can craft this


Hyperborean Slaver
(T tooltip warmIcon Heat resistance, +5 Strength)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Savage Armors feat

 Armorer(s) needed for Epic Flawless:

  • Grrr Legbiter


Hyperborean Slaver
Hyrkanian Raider
(T tooltip coldIcon Cold resistance, +5 Accuracy)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Raider Armors feat

 Armorer(s) needed for Epic Flawless:

  • Jehungir Horseshoe
  • Orqina Steeltongue


Hyrkanian Raider
Khitan Imperial
(T tooltip coldIcon Cold resistance, +5 Encumbrance) (DLC The Imperial East Pack)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Khitan Armors feat

 Armorer(s) needed for Epic Flawless:

  • All named Armorers can craft this


Khitan Imperial
Pictish Warchief
(T tooltip warmIcon Heat resistance, +5 Strength) (DLC The Savage Frontier Pack)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Pictish Armors feat

 Armorer(s) needed for Epic Flawless:

  • All named Armorers can craft this


Pictish Warchief
Poitain Cavalier
(T tooltip warmIcon Heat resistance, +5 Accuracy) (DLC Riders of Hyboria)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Poitain Armors feat

 Armorer(s) needed for Epic Flawless:

  • All named Armorers can craft this


Poitain Cavalier
Reaver Helmet
(T tooltip coldIcon Cold resistance, +1 Grit) (DLC Riddle of Steel)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Riddle of Steel Helmets

 Armorer(s) needed for Epic Flawless:

  • All named Armorers can craft this


Reaver Helmet
Setite Cult Helmet
(T tooltip warmIcon Heat resistance, +2 Encumbrance, +1 Survival) (DLC Riddle of Steel)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Riddle of Steel Helmets

 Armorer(s) needed for Epic Flawless:

  • All named Armorers can craft this


Setite Cult Helmet
Stygian Soldier
(T tooltip warmIcon Heat resistance, +5 Agility)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

 Armorer(s) needed for Epic Flawless:

  • Zoara of the Marshes


Stygian Soldier
Turanian Phalanx
(T tooltip coldIcon Cold resistance, +5 Agility) (DLC Treasures of Turan Pack)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Turan Armors feat

 Armorer(s) needed for Epic Flawless:

  • All named Armorers can craft this


Turanian Phalanx
Vanir Heavy
(T tooltip coldIcon Cold resistance, +5 Grit)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Nordheimer Armors feat

 Armorer(s) needed for Epic Flawless:

  • Njoror Battleborn
  • Chieftain Aslaug


Vanir Heavy
Yamatai Warlord
(T tooltip warmIcon Heat resistance, +5 Vitality) (DLC Seekers of the Dawn Pack)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Yamatai Armors feat

 Armorer(s) needed for Epic Flawless:

  • All named Armorers can craft this


Yamatai Warlord


Religious apparel cannot be crafted as exceptional or flawless.

Derketo Acolyte
(T tooltip warmIcon Heat resistance, no bonuses)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Pleasure Dome of Derketo feat


Derketo Acolyte
Jhebbal Sag
(No resistances, no bonuses)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Retreat of Jhebbal Sag feat


Jhebbal Sag
(T tooltip warmIcon Heat resistance, no bonuses)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Priest of Mitra feat


(T tooltip warmIcon Heat resistance, Sandstorm Mask)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Priest of Set feat


(T tooltip warmIcon Heat resistance, no bonuses)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Blooded Altar to Ymir feat


(T tooltip warmIcon Heat resistance, no bonuses)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Priest of Yog feat




None of the following gear can be crafted as exceptional or flawless.

(T tooltip coldIcon Cold resistance, +2 Encumbrance) (DLC Debaucheries of Derketo)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Expert Weaver feat


Asura's Armor
(No resistances, +15 Survival)

Can be dropped as loot from:

  • Chosen of Asura NPCs within Sinner's Refuge
Asura's Armor
(No resistances, +5 Encumbrance)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Purge-only Armorers


(T tooltip warmIcon Heat resistance, +9 Agility) (DLC Debaucheries of Derketo)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Jeweller feat


Black Corsair Garb
(T tooltip coldIcon Cold resistance, +10 Agility)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Black Corsair Garb from Captain's Quarters


Black Corsair Garb
Black Hand
(T tooltip warmIcon Heat resistance, no bonuses)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Buccaneer from Captain's Quarters

 Can be dropped as loot from:

  • Black Hand NPCs
Black Hand
(T tooltip warmIcon Heat resistance, no bonuses)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Any named Armorers


(T tooltip warmIcon Heat resistance, reduces stamina burn when climbing)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Mountaineer from the Mountaineer
  • Expert Mountaineer from Improved Climbing Boots Schematic


(T tooltip warmIcon Heat resistance, no bonuses)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Weaver feat


Conan's Royal Armor
(No resistances, +5 Encumbrance) (DLC Digital pre-orders)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Conan's Royal Armor feat


Conan's Royal Armor
Derketo Dancer
(T tooltip warmIcon Heat resistance, no bonuses)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Zoara of the Marshes


Derketo Dancer
Gold Jewelry
(T tooltip warmIcon Heat resistance, +5 Vitality) (DLC Debaucheries of Derketo)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Goldsmith feat


Gold Jewelry
Heavy Helmets
(No resistances, no bonuses)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Purge-only Armorers


Heavy Helmets
(T tooltip warmIcon/T tooltip coldIcon Heat and Cold resistance, +4 Encumbrance) (DLC Debaucheries of Derketo)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Expert Weaver feat


Iron Jewelry
(No resistances, no bonuses)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Fine Metal Crafts feat


Iron Jewelry
(T tooltip warmIcon/T tooltip coldIcon Heat and Cold resistance, +3 Encumbrance) (DLC Debaucheries of Derketo)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Expert Weaver feat


(No resistances, Sandstorm Mask)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Sandstorm Mask feat


Silent Legion
(T tooltip warmIcon Heat resistance, +2 Accuracy +2 Strength +2 Vitality +2 Grit +2 Encumbrance)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Pride of the Silent Legion from The Black Keep


Silent Legion
Silver Jewelry
(T tooltip warmIcon Heat resistance, +5 Strength) (DLC Debaucheries of Derketo)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Silversmith feat


Silver Jewelry
Skelos Cultist
(T tooltip warmIcon Heat resistance, no bonuses)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Skelos Cult Armors from Scroll (Skelos Armor)


Skelos Cultist
Stygian Noble
(T tooltip warmIcon Heat resistance, no bonuses)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Zoara of the Marshes


Stygian Noble
Underwater Breathing Mask
(No resistances, Water Breathing)

Can be dropped as loot from:

  • Beastmaser Teimos at Buccaneer Bay
Underwater Breathing Mask
Witch Doctor
(T tooltip warmIcon Heat resistance, Sandstorm Mask, +10 Survival)

Can be dropped as loot from:

  • Darfari Witch Doctor at The Summoning Place
Witch Doctor
Zamorian Dancer
(T tooltip warmIcon Heat resistance, no bonuses)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Enis Ironwrought
  • Irniz of the Furnace


Zamorian Dancer


Legendary armor never comes in exceptional or flawless versions, even if the pieces can be crafted.

Arena Champion's Armor
(T tooltip coldIcon Cold resistance, +4 Strength +6 Grit)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Arena Champion's Armor from Warmaker's Sanctuary


Arena Champion's Armor
Black Feather Helm
(No resistances, no bonuses)

Can be dropped as loot from:

  • Winged Death at The Unnamed City
Black Feather Helm
Brute Armor
(T tooltip warmIcon Heat resistance, +3 Grit, +3 Strength)

Can be dropped as loot from:

  • The Brute at The Unnamed City
Brute Armor
Commander's Armor
(T tooltip warmIcon/T tooltip coldIcon Heat and Cold resistance, Sandstorm Mask, +3 Vitality)

Can be dropped as loot from:

  • Guardian of the Flame at The Unnamed City
  • The Commander at The Unnamed City
  • The Gravewalker at The Unnamed City
  • The Watcher at The Unnamed City
Commander's Armor
Dragonscale Helm
(T tooltip coldIcon Cold resistance, no bonuses)

Can be dropped as loot from:

  • The Red Mother at The Unnamed City
Dragonscale Helm
Executioner's Hood
(T tooltip warmIcon Heat resistance, +3 Strength)

Can be dropped as loot from:

  • The Executioner at Deathwhisper Ruins
Executioner's Hood
Exquisite Silk
(No resistances, no bonuses)

Can be dropped as loot from:

  • Guardian of the Flame at The Unnamed City
  • The Commander at The Unnamed City
  • The Gravewalker at The Unnamed City
  • The Watcher at The Unnamed City
Exquisite Silk
Godbreaker Armor
(T tooltip warmIcon/T tooltip coldIcon Heat and Cold resistance, +100 Armor, +3 Grit, +3 Strength, +3 Agility, +3 Encumbrance)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Godbreaker Armor from Warmaker's Sanctuary


Godbreaker Armor
God Eye
(T tooltip warmIcon Heat resistance, +3 Strength)

Can be dropped as loot from:

  • The Red Mother at The Unnamed City
God Eye
Khari Overseer
(No resistances, +6 Strength +6 Grit)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Khari Overseer from Scroll (Khari Overseer Armor)


Khari Overseer
Khari Raider
(No resistances, +6 Encumbrance +6 Survival)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Khari Raider from Scroll (Khari Warrior Armor)


Khari Raider
Khari Soldier
(No resistances, +6 Vitality +6 Grit)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Khari Soldier from Scroll (Khari Soldier Armor)


Khari Soldier
Legacy of the Nordheimers
(T tooltip coldIcon Cold resistance, no bonuses)

Can be dropped as loot from:

  • Guardian of the Flame at The Unnamed City
  • The Commander at The Unnamed City
  • The Gravewalker at The Unnamed City
  • The Watcher at The Unnamed City
Legacy of the Nordheimers
Night-Stalkers Mask
(No resistances, Night-Eye)

Can be dropped as loot from:

  • Guardian of the Flame at The Unnamed City
  • The Commander at The Unnamed City
  • The Gravewalker at The Unnamed City
  • The Watcher at The Unnamed City
Night-Stalkers Mask
Pride of Aesir
(T tooltip coldIcon Cold resistance, +2 Accuracy +2 Strength +2 Vitality +2 Grit +2 Encumbrance)

The prerequisite to craft this is:

  • Pride of Aesir from Scroll (Pride of Aesir)


Pride of Aesir
Scorpion Armor
(T tooltip coldIcon Cold resistance, Poison resistance, +3 Survival)

Can be dropped as loot from:

  • Guardian of the Flame at The Unnamed City
  • The Commander at The Unnamed City
  • The Gravewalker at The Unnamed City
  • The Watcher at The Unnamed City
Scorpion Armor
Sobek's Armor
(No resistances, +9 Vitality)

Can be dropped as loot from:

  • Aridis, Chosen of Sobek at Xalthar's Refuge
Sobek's Armor
The Horned Helmet
(No resistances, no bonuses)

Can be dropped as loot from:

  • Guardian of the Flame at The Unnamed City
  • The Commander at The Unnamed City
  • The Gravewalker at The Unnamed City
  • The Watcher at The Unnamed City
The Horned Helmet
The Nemedian
(No resistances, no bonuses)

Can be dropped as loot from:

  • The End of All Hope at Skittering Cavern
The Nemedian
Vermin Hide
(T tooltip warmIcon Heat resistance, +2 all Attributes)

Can be dropped as loot from:

  • Winged Death at The Unnamed City
Vermin Hide
War Mammoth
(T tooltip coldIcon Cold resistance, +3 Encumbrance)

Can be dropped as loot from:

  • Guardian of the Flame at The Unnamed City
  • The Commander at The Unnamed City
  • The Gravewalker at The Unnamed City
  • The Watcher at The Unnamed City
War Mammoth
(T tooltip warmIcon Heat resistance, +3 Strength)

Can be dropped as loot from:

  • Guardian of the Flame at The Unnamed City
  • The Commander at The Unnamed City
  • The Gravewalker at The Unnamed City
  • The Watcher at The Unnamed City

See also[]

  • Armorer (thrall)
  • Kits for Armor, Weapons and Tools
  • Shields
  • Weapons
  • Warpaints


|- | align="left"| [[File:{{{image}}}|frameless|32px|link={{{name}}}]] [[{{{name}}}]] || || {{{grade}}} || {{{dura}}} || {{{weight}}}
