Conan Exiles Wiki
MannedTooth (dyskusja | edycje)
Nie podano opisu zmian
MannedTooth (dyskusja | edycje)
Nie podano opisu zmian
Linia 337: Linia 337:
div#content a.extiw:visited,
div#content a.extiw:visited,
div#content a.external,
div#content a.external,
div#content a.external:visited {
div#content a.external:visited,
label.toctogglelabel {
color: #A38369;
color: #A38369;

Wersja z 15:26, 12 gru 2019

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/* For elements which only display in the mobile view */
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/* Search fix */
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/* search form */
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/* multi-upload screen font colour fix */
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/* Notifications */
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/* Echo notification colour tweak */
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/* interwiki table bg fix for active entries */
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/* user profile info colour tweak */
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/* Wiki editor fixes */
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/* login screen */
.mw-ui-vform label {
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/* copyright images tweak */
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/* Ambox colors */
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/* Front page styles *
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