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(→‎Getting Started : traduction)
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Aruthard (discussion | contributions)
Balise : Éditeur visuel
Ligne 83 : Ligne 83 :
==Getting Started==
==Premiers pas==
====1. Survivre : De l'eau et de la nourriture, et vite====
====1. Survivre : De l'eau et de la nourriture, et vite====
Conan vous ayant secouru, vous vous retrouvez sans rien, en plein milieu du désert : la faim et la soif ne tarderont pas à vous tenailler, et ce n'est qu'une question de temps avant de mourir desséché. Vous devez donc vous diriger vers l'intérieur des terres et la vie qu'elles recèlent. En chemin, ramassez quelques [[ressources]], des [[matériaux]] de base, tels que de la [[pierre]], des [[fibres végétales]] et des [[Branche|branches]], afin de [[Artisanat|fabriquer]] quelques objets grâce aux [[recettes]] de base (et gagner un peu d'[[expérience]], par la même occasion).
Conan vous ayant secouru, vous vous retrouvez sans rien, en plein milieu du désert : la faim et la soif ne tarderont pas à vous tenailler, et ce n'est qu'une question de temps avant de mourir desséché. Vous devez donc vous diriger vers l'intérieur des terres et la vie qu'elles recèlent. En chemin, ramassez quelques [[ressources]], des [[matériaux]] de base, tels que de la [[pierre]], des [[fibres végétales]] et des [[Branche|branches]], afin de [[Artisanat|fabriquer]] quelques objets grâce aux [[recettes]] de base (et gagner un peu d'[[expérience]], par la même occasion).

Version du 8 février 2017 à 14:14

Didacticiel Conan Exiles
Didacticiel Conan Exiles
Articles: Become a legend of the wasteland...
Learning About Clans, the Religion System, and More
Conan Exiles Race and Religion Guide
Game Trailer
Bienvenue ! Ce guide va tenter de vous apprendre tout ce que vous avez besoin de savoir pour débuter dans Conan Exiles.

Les bases

Vous démarrez au milieu des terres désolées des terres d'exil, libéré de la croix de la souffrance, par Conan lui-même. Alors que Conan est libre, vous êtes coincé dans les terres d'exil et ne pouvez vous en échapper. Votre première tache sera de trouver de la nourriture et de l'eau, dirigez vous alors vers la rivière la plus proche et quitter ce désert aride, où vous deviez mourir crucifié.

Les abords des rivières sont peuplés de dangers, une grande variété d'ennemis vous y attend. Vous devrez alors construire le plus rapidement possible, un abris pour vous protéger des créatures agressives, ou des tempêtes de sable. Mais les autres joueurs seront surement la plus grande menace, donc armez vous vite et soyez prêt à vous battre pour votre vie !

En travaillant à votre défense, vous gagnerez de l'expérience (XP), en créant, récoltant des ressources et tuant des ennemis. Lorsque vous aurez gagné assez d'XP, vous gagnerez un niveau, et pour chaque niveau, des points à dépenser pour améliorer vos statistiques et apprendre de nouvelles recettes. Le bouton de gain de niveau brillera sur la feuille du personnage.

Pour inviter un autre joueur à votre guilde, maintenez E en regardant un personnage joueur et sélectionnez "inviter à la guilde".

Note: Retirer votre bracelet vous tuera instantanément.

Configuration des touches par défaut

Action Par défaut Notes
Utiliser E
Utiliser objet main droite Left Mousebutton
Utiliser objet main gauche Right Mousebutton
Avancer W
Reculer S
Strafe Left A
Strafe Right D
Walk Backspace
Sprint Left Shift
Jump Space Bar
Crouch Left Control
Combat Stance C
Interact E Main interact button. Hold to collect Materials.
Interact with friends and invite them to your guild.
Open The Menu ESC
Third Person Camera Mode P Change between 3rd / 1st Person.
Vanity Camera V Toggle Vanity Camera
Open Inventory / Crafting / Recipes I Open up the inventory and crafting menu.
Hit "Level Up" and then Recipes to access.
Toggle Map M Hitting the map will bring up the map,
the arrow will show on your location.
Toggle GUI Alt + Z
Toggle Chat Window Ctrl + T
Global Chat Enter Chat with all players on the server.
Vicinity Chat Num * Chat with players nearby.
Guild Chat Num - Chat with your guild members.
Toggle Emotes Menu R

Premiers pas

1. Survivre : De l'eau et de la nourriture, et vite

Conan vous ayant secouru, vous vous retrouvez sans rien, en plein milieu du désert : la faim et la soif ne tarderont pas à vous tenailler, et ce n'est qu'une question de temps avant de mourir desséché. Vous devez donc vous diriger vers l'intérieur des terres et la vie qu'elles recèlent. En chemin, ramassez quelques ressources, des matériaux de base, tels que de la pierre, des fibres végétales et des branches, afin de fabriquer quelques objets grâce aux recettes de base (et gagner un peu d'expérience, par la même occasion).

Une fois arrivé à la rivière, plongez dedans et buvez tout votre soûl (bouton E pour boire). If you've happened to come across the Sealed Waterskin with the note you'll be able to refill it (by equipping it and using it) and keep yourself refreshed for a while.

In regards to food, if you're still down at the river and have come across Shalebacks, there will be a nearby nest that will have Shaleback Eggs. Eating them will give you regen on both Water and Health. Additionally the following will give you a head start to stave off the starving for a while until you can manage to kill larger animals.

Fichier:Icon Fat Grub.png Fat Grub - For the strong of stomach, these grubs offer both food and moisture in the midst of the desert.
Fichier:Icon Handful Of Insects.png Handful Of Insects - To the starving, a handful of insects can be enough to stave off hunger for a while.
Fichier:Icon Feral Flesh.png Feral Flesh - Raw meat is a dangerous temptation for the starving and desperate. Consuming it provides immediate relief from hunger, but at the risk of inheriting any disease or parasite that may have come along for the ride.

To establish a better and more stable food supply, you will first have to craft a few things, which brings us to our next point:

2. Collect...Collect...Collect

Collecting basic Materials and Resources will become your bread and butter. It is essential to put your focus on collecting Plant Fiber, Branch and Stone that are either on the ground or picked up by harvesting bushes.

Fichier:Icon Plant Fiber.png Plant Fiber - The most basic materials that can be gathered by hand from plants. These fibers can be woven into rough clothing, but it will only provide a simple protection against the elements. Anything woven from such crude material cannot be expected to stop a swinging blade.

Plant fiber can be used for a variety of things, from light Armor to Twine to later on making things out of it from a basic bed to the base of your civilization, you'll really need a lot of it. If you've managed to put together a Stone Hatchet (made from Stone and Branches), you can cut down and harvest the smaller trees, which will provide you with larger bunches of Plant Fiber.

Fichier:Icon Branch.png Branch - Branches can be used to create rudimentary weapons and tools, which can then be used to shape wood for more beneficial purposes.

You'll be able to find branches everywhere easily, first laying on the ground, but then if you've put together a Stone Hatchet, you can cut down the larger trees which will give you both Wood as well as Branches. Use them in Crafting Weapons and making Tools.

Fichier:Icon Stone.png Stone - Most humble of materials and most common, stone is the building block of civilization. From the primitive weapons of Picts to the marble sheathed palaces of Aquilonian Kings, stone is the foundation upon which all is predicated. Even the elder races, who vanished from the earth without a trace, left behind great ruined cities of brooding stone to mark their passing.

Stone is useful in a lot of things, and you'll need a lot of it if you ever plan on Building anything. You can start collecting it by picking it up on the ground, and then with Branch you can make a Stone Pick, to harvest larger amounts from rock piles.

3. Recipes & Crafting

These Materials above are the base for crafting, and with the right combination can provide you with the basics for survival. Open up your inventory with I to begin crafting on the right side. You'll start with a few Recipes every exile starts with, basic Clothing, and tools, and to have more Crafting options you'll need to unlock them with the Recipes menu. Hit the "Level Up" and below the Recipes and the menu of all the Recipes will pop up giving you access to a lot, or a little depending on your Character's level.

Wildlife: The Creatures & Beasts Of The Exiled Lands


Animal Picture Animal Name Notes
Imp The Imp is one of the more aggressive beasts in Hyboria, and will chase and attack you whenever they catch wind of your scent.
Shaleback The Shaleback.

Death, Status Effects & Corruption

The Death system in Conan is quite similar to most hardcore survival games. While playing be prepare as you will die. It happens, sometimes a lot. If and "When" you die, you loose all equipped Weapons all Tools anything you are carrying, dropping your entire inventory.

Many of the dark places in Conan Exiles are filled with corrupting magic. When you explore deep caves or ancient ruins such as the Unknown City, the magic which still lingers there slowly corrupts you. When you fight magical creatures, such as demons or undead, their very presence spreads Corruption.

Corruption permanently reduces your maximum Health, and the more you are exposed to the corruption, the worse it gets. When corrupted, you need to spend time in the presence of entertainer Thralls to remove it. Once the corruption has been removed, your maximum health will return to normal. Even though it is dangerous to seek out such dark places, they are often filled with valuable treasures or mystical Lore.


A look at the various tiers of building materials used to fashion places to survive.

Resources, Building, and Expansion

Buildings in Conan Exiles have 3 different Tiers of building supplies and materials. Each Tier increases the player's survivability and gives added protection against the weather, thrall, creatures, and other players when in a PVP environment.

Tier 1 Buildings - Sandstone (Stone, Wood and Fiber to build) - Iron Weapons to destroy.
Tier 2 Buildings - Bricks (Logs, Bricks and Mortar to build) - Steel Weapons to destroy.
Tier 3 Buildings - Steel (Unknown build requirements) uses Steel reinforcements - Undamagable by Weapons, need explosive items.

Buildings also have a Foundation requirement, and building uses a support system that needs to be supported by columns or being connected in some way to a foundation.

Equipping a Repair Hammer will show you the quality of your buildings, and will give you a chance to see the materals needed to fix. You can craft a Repair Hammer with your first building.